Product Design

Simplifying Complex EHR Systems

My Role
Product Designer
Product Designer
60 Days

Project Overview: HealMedical

Context and Challenge

In the complex landscape of healthcare technology, Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems stand as critical tools for managing patient information and streamlining clinical operations. One of the most comprehensive systems in use is EPIC, known for its robust features and widespread adoption across large healthcare institutions. However, this complexity, while powerful, can become a source of frustration for medical professionals seeking simplicity and ease of use in their day-to-day tasks.

The challenge presented to me was to distill the essence of an EHR system as comprehensive as EPIC into a more approachable, user-friendly format. This challenge was initiated by a request from HealMedical, a healthcare provider whose staff expressed concerns over the cumbersome nature of their existing EHR. The physicians and administrative staff needed a system that retained essential functionalities while shedding the superfluous elements that cluttered their workflows.

Project Goals

My primary was to craft a solution that addressed the pain points of HealMedical's staff without sacrificing the core competencies required for effective patient and data management. The project was to be grounded in a thorough understanding of the healthcare provider's daily operations, focusing on intuitive design and the enhancement of user experience.

Key objectives included:

  1. Conducting In-Depth Research: To accumulate a rich understanding of the current system's shortcomings through stakeholder interviews, user surveys, and data analysis.
  2. Iterative Design and Prototyping: To create a series of prototypes that incrementally approached the ideal balance of functionality and simplicity.
  3. User-Centered Feedback Loops: To refine the system based on real-world feedback, ensuring that the final product genuinely resonated with the end-users.
  4. Seamless Integration and Compliance: To navigate the technical and regulatory constraints inherent in healthcare technology.
  5. Effective Handoff to Development: To ensure that the design vision was translated effectively into a working product by the development team.


The project was to be approached with a methodology that was both agile and empathetic. The iterative design process was anchored in the principles of human-centered design, engaging directly with the individuals who would be using the system daily. This process was not just about simplifying a system; it was about re-envisioning how healthcare professionals interact with technology to make critical decisions for patient care.

By focusing on the users' needs, I aimed to create a solution that felt like a natural extension of the healthcare provider's work, rather than an obstacle to be overcome. This involved a delicate balance of technical expertise, design innovation, and a deep understanding of the healthcare environment.

With a commitment to excellence and a clear vision for the project, I was poised to embark on a transformative journey with HealMedical, redefining what an EHR system could be when simplicity is placed at the forefront of design.


  • To understand the day-to-day operations of the healthcare provider.
  • To identify pain points associated with the use of EPIC.
  • To develop a streamlined and more user-friendly version of an EHR system tailored to the client's needs.

Research and Discovery Phase

Stakeholder Interviews

  • Questions I asked:
  • Can you walk me through a typical day using EPIC?
  • What are your biggest frustrations with the current EHR system?
  • Are there any features that you rarely use or find unnecessary?
  • What features do you wish EPIC had that would make your job easier?

Key Findings:

  • Overwhelming number of rarely-used features.
  • Need for a more intuitive user interface.
  • Requests for faster access to commonly used functions.

User Surveys and Observations

  • Conducted surveys with the healthcare staff to gather quantitative data.
  • Observational studies to see how healthcare staff interact with EPIC.

Data Analysis

  • Analyzed the data to identify common themes and pain points.
  • Created user personas to represent the primary users of the system.

Design and Development Phase

Iteration 1: Prototype Development

  • Created initial wireframes based on stakeholder feedback.
  • Developed a prototype focusing on simplifying navigation.

User Testing and Feedback

  • Conducted user testing sessions with the prototype.
  • Collected feedback and identified areas for improvement.

Iteration 2: Feature Refinement

  • Refined features based on user feedback.
  • Enhanced the design for better user experience and efficiency.

Iteration 3: Final Prototype

  • Finalized the design, incorporating all feedback.
  • Prepared a high-fidelity prototype ready for development.

Challenges and Solutions

Technical Constraints

  • Challenge: Integrating with existing databases and systems.
  • Solution: Worked with IT specialists to ensure compatibility and seamless integration.

User Resistance to Change

  • Challenge: Overcoming resistance from staff accustomed to EPIC.
  • Solution: Implemented a gradual training program and highlighted the new system's benefits.

Maintaining Compliance

  • Challenge: Ensuring the new system adheres to healthcare regulations.
  • Solution: Regular consultations with compliance officers during the development process.

Implementation and Handoff

Development Collaboration

  • Worked closely with the development team to ensure accurate implementation of design specifications.

Training and Documentation

  • Developed comprehensive training materials for the new system.
  • Provided detailed documentation to facilitate future updates and maintenance.

Results and Impact

Post-Implementation Review

  • Conducted a review after implementation to assess the new system's impact.
  • Gathered metrics on user satisfaction, efficiency improvements, and error reduction.

Lessons Learned

  • Importance of iterative design and user feedback.
  • The need for clear communication between designers, developers, and stakeholders.

Future Considerations

  • Plans for scaling the system for larger facilities.
  • Potential integration of AI for predictive analytics.


  • Summary of the project's success in meeting objectives.
  • Reflection on the project's contribution to simplifying EHR for healthcare providers.


  • Interview transcripts.
  • Survey data and analysis.
  • User personas.
  • Wireframes and design iterations.
  • User testing results and feedback.
  • Final design specifications and documentation.